Monday, November 21, 2005

I killed Shrodingers cat

What I did today:

sent out some resume's.

Was asked to write for a start up print magazine On the Rise whose first issue will be out some time in January. There is no pay up front, but the possibility of pay down the line. Normally I don't like writing for other people for free, but right now beggars can't be choosers. Once again, padding for a resume.

Had an impromptu phone interview with a rep from WGBH in Boston for the postion of Production Secretary. Didn't do the best I could do because I wasn't expecting the call and kinda fumbled my way through some of the answers - I had no time to prepare. Who interviews well sans preperation? Not me, that's for certain. I will find out after thanksgiving if they want to see me in person or not.

Scheduled an interview at the local Starbucks for tomorrow morning because I desperately need an influx of cash.

Moved a bunch of boxes full of random crap from the basement to the garage because the contractor is coming next Monday to begin the (hopefully not to lengthy) process of installing a bathroom in the basement.

Watched the Food Network Thanksgiving Holiday Special we taped (DVRed) last night. Got hungry for thanksgiving then remembered I don't eat Turkey and my hunger subsided (well after a fruit rollup and some fig newtons anyway). I am going to stick to my guns; Alton Brown is by far the best Food Network celebrity chef. Emeril Lagasse, Rachel Ray and the rest don't hold a candle up to this guy. He is the funniest, most personable, and most engaging of the bunch.

All right, carry on then...


Liz said...

What is the bathroom in the basement for?

Keeping my fingers crossed about the jobs. I'll definitely by the new mag if it would help you get paid.

Please post picture of your Starbucks uniform.

Amichai said...

There are currently six people living in the house with only one shower. We very often have people staying with us for the weekends (family, freinds, siblings girlfreinds) and the basement has been converted to a study/guest bedroom. Having that extra shower just makes everything that much more convinient.

John said...

6 in one house? You ARE Jewish living in Queens! There's a reason stereotypes are started.

Good luck with that! How are the 6 broken down? Extra points if you're all related.

I jest because I know how it feels. I'm from a large, NY/NJ based family. My Aunt sold my grandmother's house not too long ago. Grandpa built it and everyone stayed in it over Christmas/Thanksgiving/Weddings, etc.

My parent's house has 6 rooms large enough for living in...yet, there were only 3 bedrooms: Boys, Girls, and Master.

amber, theambershow said...



we can bitch about our jobs, though! can you put my name (Amber Santos) on your application, or ask that it be put on? I get $$ if you say I refered you.

rawbean said...

He's a veggie! Maybe you can get some tofurky. I know a few veggies that eat that shit.

James said...

Your post sounds like my life.

In the past two weeks I've been searching for a job (and Starbucks is still on the list.) Did you know they only let you play Starbucks CDs on the Starbucks CD players there? They have some sort of encoded thing on the approved Cds. Although I heard there's a program out there on the net that you can get to bypass it.

Which brings me to say this: You gotta hate the whole creative guy looking for a job process that somehow balances the ability to do something interesting and worthwhile and actually get paid to do it.

I feel your pain.

Amichai said...

I am a veggie. My mom makes great turkey (though it's my aunt who is cooking it this year).

And amber, I already had the interview but I'll see what I can do to get the $ in your pocket if they hire me.